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About Your Trainer

My name is Casey Connoyer and I am a member of an amazing family who has taught me so much. I have a wonderful husband, 10 year old daughter, 2 dogs, 3 cats, and a bunny.


32 Paws Training was named after the 8 dogs who forever changed our lives in a number of ways. Sadly, they have went to rainbow bridge over the last few years. Each one of them came from different backgrounds and had their own "quirks" making them difficult for most homes. We were able to help each one thrive and live their best lives. They even traveled across country and went on vacation with us. All of our pets lived harmoniously together in our house despite coming from difficult situations. 


After 13 years of working in animal welfare and rescue, we have fostered more than 200 dogs. With Force Free Training and time, all have gone on to have happy endings. I have visited multiple shelters and seen many different and sometimes difficult behavioral dogs. I made the decision to further educate myself with dog behavior so I can continue helping owners and rescue organizations give their dogs a happy life. I have first hand experience with many common issues and I am ready to help your pets with theirs. I want to help you have a healthy, strong, and enjoyable relationship with your dog.

I am proud to be a Certified Dog Trainer and a Fear Free Certified Professional. I have worked in an animal shelter and saw first hand at the need for help in the community to understand behavioral needs to set everyone up for success. I have also worked in the veterinary setting as well seeing a need for behavioral understanding in that setting as well which is why I went to become a Fear Free Certified Professional. Lastly, I have been navigating motherhood for 10 years starting off with a newborn and 8 dogs who had never met babies or small kids prior to our daughters birth. All of this experience allows me to give firsthand experience and expertise from a variety of backgrounds and settings. 


As a graduate of Canine Club Academy, I have a broad understanding of dog psychology, obedience training, and behavior modification. Fear Free Certification has taught me how to handle and help pets that have stress, anxiety, or fearful behavior. This allows me to better help you and your pet change their stress level and provide other methods on shaping their behavior. I have traveled to many different homes and shelters over the last 6 years helping people and their pets better understand each other. 

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